
Henry Ingwersen

Maine State Senate District 32

Arundel, Biddeford, Dayton, Hollis & Lyman


Senator Henry Ingwersen is an experienced legislator, educator, and devoted family man. He has a master’s degree in Educational Leadership from USM and taught for 25 years. Henry was elected to the Maine House in 2018, serving Arundel, Dayton, and Lyman, serving on the Education and Cultural Affairs Committee.

Elected to the Maine Senate in 2022, he is Chair of the Agriculture, Conservation, and Forestry Committee, where he has passed laws to bring drought relief to Maine farmers and provide much needed financial help to the state’s dairy farmers. Also on the Health and Human Services Committee, Henry is fighting for affordable health care for all and lower costs for prescription drugs.

Henry and his wife Christine have been married for almost 50 years and are beekeepers on their family farm in Arundel. They have three daughters and twelve grandchildren – all living close by. Along with raising bees and selling honey, they also enjoy helping to raise their growing crop of grandkids!

“My grandchildren are the future of Maine. I want them to grow up and live in a state that offers opportunities for excellent public education, affordable health care, good paying jobs, and reasonable housing choices. I’m working hard for them and all Mainers.”

Henry is deeply committed to building community relationships to promote protection of our natural spaces and resources. He is a board member of the Arundel Conservation Trust and former member of the Kennebunk River Remediation Advisory Committee for the Town of Arundel. He also served on the board of Defend Our Health Action Network, a non-profit working to ensure that everyone has equitable access to toxic-free, safe food and drinking water.

“My grandchildren are the future of Maine. I’m working hard for them and all Mainers.”


Responsive and Inclusive

Henry listens to everyone he represents, and then rolls up his sleeves to do the hard work of improving lives and livelihoods. He has always worked to ensure that each community member has an equal chance to succeed, regardless of their circumstances.


Henry approaches all challenges with a guiding set of values that include honesty, fairness, respect, hard work, and teamwork.


Henry has a track record of working cooperatively with citizens and fellow legislators of all backgrounds to get things done. He looks for ways to unite us rather than divide us.

Working to make Maine a better place for generations to come.


Business and Working Waterfronts

Our Maine businesses and working waterfront suffered severe damage as a result of last winter’s storms, and much help was needed to help them repair and rebuild with resiliency in order to face future severe weather.

As your Senator, Henry:

    • Supported $21 million for the Working Waterfront Resiliency Grant program to be distributed to 68 working waterfront in Maine to rebuild damaged wharves, piers, and bait shacks in a way that makes them more resilient to future storms.
    • Supported $10 million for the Business Recovery and resiliency Fund to provide direct support to other businesses that were harmed by the winter storms.

Climate Change

Henry knows that climate change is a clear and present threat to all facets of Maine life: fishing, tourism, agriculture, infrastructure, public health, and the environment.

As your Senator, Henry:

    • Supports the Maine Climate Action Plan, which will decrease Maine greenhouse gas emissions by 80% by 2050.
    • Serves on the Maine Climate Council as a member of the Natural and Working Lands Subcommittee.
    • Supported a $60 million disaster relief fund that will help build more climate-resilient communities.
    • Supports a robust offshore wind industry for Maine, which will help curb fossil fuel emissions and bring good-paying jobs to Maine while making sure our heritage lobster and fishing industries have a seat at the table.
    • Sponsored successful legislation to create a medium- and heavy- duty electric truck pilot program for Maine small businesses.


Maine, like the rest of the country, is facing a housing crisis. Without adequate and affordable housing, Mainers who grow up and train for jobs in this state cannot remain here. Likewise, people who want to move to Maine to work at emerging jobs cannot come here and contribute to our economy.

As your Senator, Henry:

    • Helped establish the Housing First Program, which provides permanent housing solutions to chronically homeless Mainers.
    • Expanded affordable rental and ownership options through the Affordable Home Ownership Program, the Rural Affordable Rental Housing Program, and the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit.
    • Addressed student homelessness by establishing a housing subsidy program to support housing for students whose families are unable to help.
    • Provided critical housing relief funding to keep emergency shelters open and to care for unhoused Mainers. Lawmakers also set aside funds for low-barrier emergency shelters to get more folks off the streets during extreme temperatures.

Education / Workforce Training

Henry knows firsthand how important it is to support our students, teachers, support staff, and parents. Henry believes school districts must have the resources they need to provide a quality education for all Maine students. Older students preparing to enter the workforce need a robust training and education infrastructure so they can make this great state home.

As your Senator, Henry:

    • Made good on the state’s commitment to fund education at 55%, easing the property tax burden for Mainers.
    • Supported Ed Techs and school support staff by voting to raise wages.
    • Provided funding to feed more hungry children in our schools by offering school meals at no cost to any student.
    • Supported public preschools by setting aside funds for construction and renovation projects in districts that have voluntarily assumed the free and appropriate education of children ages 3 to 5.
    • Removed barriers to community college by expanding eligibility for free community college to the high school classes of 2024 and 2025.
    • Supported the Maine Health Care Provider Loan Repayment Program to address critical workforce shortages in health care, particularly nurses.
    • Provided additional funding for the Maine Maritime Academy , the UMaine System, and the Maine Community College System.


As a beekeeper, Henry knows the importance of toxic-free open spaces, and advocates for policies that protect our environment and public lands.

As your Senator, Henry:

    • Sponsored and successfully passed a law that bans the use of toxic  “forever chemicals”-  or PFAS – in everyday products Mainers are most likely to come in contact with.
    • Promoted clean, renewable energy and good jobs by supporting the Maine Offshore Wind Renewable Energy Economic Development Program.
    • Updated laws governing reusable containers by allowing businesses to provide reusable food containers to customers.
    • Helped Maine towns protect local water resources by allowing municipalities to deny, suspend, or revoke locally issued permits to property owners who violate shoreland zoning ordinances.

Health Care

Henry believes that all Mainers should be able to receive affordable, accessible health care. As a member of the Health and Human Services Committee, Henry will always work to fight the high cost of prescriptions, and make our health care system more fair for all.

As your Senator, Henry:

    • Lowered health care costs for older Mainers by removing barriers to the Drugs for the Elderly Program.
    • Maintained funding for nursing homes and long-term care facilities.
    • Increased drug price transparency by requiring hospitals to make outpatient drug prices more publicly available.
    • Invested in the health of Maine children by waiving premiums and expanding eligibility for the Children’s Health Insurance Program.
    • Removed financial barriers to breast cancer screenings by eliminating cost-sharing health insurance policies.
    • Invested $31 million in Emergency Medical Services, establishing a grant program to increase the sustainability of Maine-based emergency medical services.

Seniors and Veterans

Our older Mainers and Veterans have given so much to our country, state, and communities through their work. We must not forget this.

As your Senator, Henry:

    • Maintained tax breaks for retirees by increasing the annual income tax pension deduction from $30,000 to $35,000.
    • Preserved programs to help older Mainers with health care costs by expanding eligibility for Medicare Savings Programs.
    • Protected older Mainers from utility shutoffs in extreme weather.
    • Funded nursing homes.
    • Supported the six Maine Veterans’ Homes across the state by investing $5.1 million in funding.

Property Taxes

Surrounded by a multi-generational family, Henry knows that rising property taxes are making it difficult for many Mainers to afford to stay in their homes or to purchase starter homes.

As your Senator, Henry:

    • Maintained tax breaks for retirees by increasing the annual income tax pension deduction.
    • Increased the Property Tax Fairness Credit.
    • Expanded the Property Tax Deferral Program for older Mainers.
    • Maintained Maine’s Revenue Sharing Program at 5%. This will help stabilize property taxes by providing municipalities with the funds to cover law enforcement, snow removal, and other essential services. This was the first two-year budget to fully restore revenue sharing since it was eliminated in 2015.

Reproductive Rights

As your State Senator, Henry knows that reproductive health care decisions are between a woman and her health care professional, not politicians. Henry knows that reproductive health care is an essential part of health care that allows Mainers to decide what’s best for their bodies and their futures.

As your Senator, Henry:

    • Supported LD 1619, which updates Maine’s Reproductive Privacy Act. This change in our laws ensures that patients facing rare and tragic diagnoses can make the best decisions for themselves and their families, choosing among the options laid out by a doctor they trust.
    • Improved access to prescription contraceptives to make birth control more accessible and allow certain types of contraceptives available over the counter.
    • Protected reproductive health care providers by codifying into law the ability of licensed clinicians to provide abortion care to patients traveling to Maine without threat to their ability to practice.
    • Supported LD 935, which removed financial barriers to abortion care by preventing state-regulated health care plans from imposing any deductibles.


“My wife Linda and I have worked this land for 37 years. Henry Ingwersen has shown he cares deeply about preserving Maine’s farmland and natural heritage. There’s no one we’d rather have representing us in the State Senate.”

— Don Marean, Farmer & Former Legislator

“As a registered nurse of 40 years, I know that when we send Henry Ingwersen back to the Maine Senate, he’ll continue fighting to make health care more affordable for all of us.”

— Pat Boston, Retired R.N.

“Henry is a tireless advocate for his constituents, he is approachable and honest – the kind of leader that District 32 deserves.”

— Former Speaker Ryan Fecteau

The following organizations have endorsed Henry’s campaign:


Donate $5 to Clean Elections

Henry believes in keeping out big campaign funding from private and outside sources. To fully fund his campaign, Henry needs $5 contributions from 535 voters in District 32. If you live in Arundel, Biddeford, Dayton, Hollis or Lyman, please consider donating to Henry’s Clean Election Campaign!

Join Henry’s Campaign

Henry needs your help to win in all five towns of the district. Can you host a yard sign? Do you have time to drive Henry while he talks to voters? Or even help prepare mailings and write postcards from the comfort of your own home? Every little bit helps, and we would love to have you on Team Henry!

Follow Henry on Social Media

Stay tuned to this space for more updates about Henry’s campaign. You can also keep in touch and help support Henry by following him on Facebook and Instagram, and by subscribing to his YouTube channel using the buttons below.